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'Cannibal Man' ass Pitch-Black Exploratioun vun engem Serial Killer aus senger Perspektiv




We need to fix the fact that not many people discuss or are aware of the body of work belonging to Eloy De La Iglesia. The Spanish filmmaker is incredible and of his own unique perspective. His work in the trilogy of brutal crime films Navajeros, Peak an El Pico 2 were all-timers and poignant pieces of Spanish cinema. These films were perfect reflections of Spain at the time as well as the directors own life, who was himself a homosexual and a heroin addict. Before the insanely personal trilogy, he directed Kannibal Mann in 1972. A film that is still banned in Europe to this day, it managed to be more than a mere Giallo clone or slasher fodder. It manged to step outside of the realm of a run of the mill nasty and create a very special imprint in horror cinema.

The plot follows Marcos (Vicente Parra) a poor livestock factory employee who lives in a dilapidated home that is overlooked by new, shiny high rise buildings belonging to the wealthy. Marcos, who fancies himself a ladies man goes on a date with a young woman from a bar he frequents. However, on his way home the taxi driver gives Marcos guff over him making out with his lady in the backseat. The altercation ends with Marcos hitting the taxi driver on the head with a rock to stop him from assaulting his date. I like the way Marcos’ character is outlined. A guy with plenty of porn on the walls of his dilapidated home, but still a guy that is a complete gentleman with the ladies and a hard worker. There is something that verges on subtlety in the guise of something much more sinister, but too tucked away to be sure.

Kannibal Mann

Once, the couple discovers that the taxi driver was in fact dead following the rock to the head, Marcos’ girlfriend insists that he turn himself in to the police. Of course, Marcos doesn’t want to do this. He knows that she will go to the police if he doesn’t. So, coldly, he strangles her to death and keeps her corpse in his bedroom. From there on, Marcos goes on a rampage of self preservation and rage. He begins to kill and and does so with a bit of nonchalance that makes the entire thing chilling. His method of piling up this victims in his bedroom only makes the whole thing more chiling.

Marcos is also a person that is embedded in his place by his culture and upbringing. His mom worked the same slaughterhouse killing floor as he does. He lives in his old family home. His place is very sound. The upheaval and backdrop to the film is the industrialization and democratization that is all around him. The new machine that he is tasked with running is making short work of the hands on livestock slaughtering he is used to. All of this while news reports are illustrating an end to the Franco era. A ending of an era that director De La Iglesia worked on his films through.

Kannibal Mann

In that way, the film reminds me a lot of Texas Chainsaw Massaker themes, going so far as to have the technology at the slaughterhouse being made a new and creating something more “humane”. There is a particularly, disturbing scene that features live cattle being hung upside down, and having their jugular punctured to release a waterfall of thick, dark blood. No special effects or anything, the footage is from the factory that he works at and 100 percent real. Not gonna lie, It’s tough to watch.

The finished product is part Henry: Portrait vun engem Seriemäerder and Roman Polanki’s Ofstouss. It’s a tale of madness by way of self-preservation but done sociopathically with a very smart edge. Marco’s character is intensely wise and never at a loss for ideas. One of the most disturbing of those ideas will put you off of meat for a good while – if not forever. It comes from Marcos’ idea of how to get rid of the bodies. I won’t say anything else, cause I don’t want to spoil that moment. It is genuinely shocking. However, I’ll give you a clue. Remember, Marcos works at a livestock plant…

Kannibal Mann

De La Iglesia films the absolute hell out of this thing. Framing everything to perfectly suit the narrative and the inner workigns of Marcos by using beautiful sweeps, zooms, tilts and everything in-between. Most notably, is his tendency to stay static inside of Marcos’ house and always moving the camera around erratically once outside.

Kannibal Mann is focused on class and privilege. But also working with the backdrop of industrialization and ever-changing politics. This feels personal for De La Iglesia. There are tons of queer undertones at work which were all but condemned at this time in Spain. But, there are moments in which the film is being covertly obvious with these vignettes. Kannibal Mann is was a widely misunderstood film and it’s clear to see how. It’s working on 3 different themes and has a lot to say. All those layers working in the guise of this Spanish Giallo splatter picture. The surprising bit on closer inspection is that the film is anything but that, and has a hell of a lot to say. It’s wonderfully shot and gives us a story that is totally unexpected, smart and strangely progressive. Kannibal Mann is worth a look if not two or three.

Déi speziell Features un Cannibal Man’s blu-ray are as follows:

  • Cinema At The Margins – Stephen Thrower and Dr. Shelagh Rowan-Legg on Eloy de la Iglesia
  • The Sleazy And The Strange – Interview with Carlos Aguilar
  • Geläscht Szenen
  • Trailer

Chef iwwer MVD Entertainment Group’s site here to order your copy of this spectacular Severin release.

Kannibal Mann

'Civil War' Bewäertung: Ass et derwäert ze kucken?

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'Evil Dead' Film Franchise Kritt ZWEE Nei Installatiounen



Et war e Risiko fir de Fede Alvarez dem Sam Raimi säin Horrorklassiker nei ze starten De Béisem Doud an 2013, mä dee Risiko huet sech bezuelt an esou huet seng spirituell Fortsetzung Béis Verstuerwen Opstig an 2023. Elo mellt Deadline datt d'Serie kritt, net een, mä zwee frësch Entréen.

Mir wossten schonn iwwer de Sébastien Vaniček Upëff vum Film deen an den Deadite Universum verdéift a soll e richtege Fortsetzung vum leschte Film sinn, awer mir sinn breet Franz Galluppi an Geescht Haus Biller maachen en eemolege Projet am Raimi sengem Universum baséiert op engem Iddi datt Galluppi op de Raimi selwer gepecht. Dat Konzept gëtt ënner Wraps gehal.

Béis Verstuerwen Opstig

"De Francis Galluppi ass e Geschichtenteller, dee weess wéini mir eis a simmere Spannungen ophalen a wéini eis mat explosiver Gewalt ze schloen," sot de Raimi zu Deadline. "Hien ass e Regisseur deen ongewéinlech Kontroll a sengem Feature Debut weist."

Dës Fonktioun ass mam Titel De leschten Stop An Yuma Grofschaft deen den 4. Mee an den USA an Theaterstéck verëffentlecht gëtt. Et folgt engem reesende Verkeefer, "gestrand an engem ländleche Arizona Reschtstopp", an "ass an eng schlëmm Geisel Situatioun gedréckt duerch d'Arrivée vun zwee Bankräiber ouni Suergen iwwer d'Grausamkeet ze benotzen. -oder kal, haart Stol - fir hiert bluddege Verméigen ze schützen.

De Galluppi ass e Präis-Gewënner Sci-Fi / Horror Shorts Regisseur deem seng bekannte Wierker enthalen Héich Desert Hell an De Gemini Projet. Dir kënnt déi voll Ännerung vun Vue Héich Desert Hell an den Teaser fir Gemini ënnert:

Héich Desert Hell
De Gemini Projet

'Civil War' Bewäertung: Ass et derwäert ze kucken?

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Fede Alvarez Teases 'Alien: Romulus' Mat RC Facehugger



Alien Romulus

Happy Alien Day! Direkter ze feieren Fede alvarez deen déi lescht Fortsetzung an der Alien Franchise Alien: Romulus regéiert, huet säi Spillsaach Facehugger am SFX Workshop erausbruecht. Hien huet seng Antik op Instagram mat de folgende Message gepost:

"Spillt mat mengem Liiblingsspiller um Set vun #AlienRomulus läschte Summer. RC Facehugger geschaf vun der erstaunlech Equipe aus @wetaworkshop Happy #AlienDay jiddereen!"

Fir de 45. Anniversaire vum Ridley Scott sengem Original ze gedenken friem Film, 26. Abrëll 2024 gouf als Alien Dag, Mat engem nei-Release vum Film fir eng limitéiert Zäit an de Kino ze kommen.

Alien: Romulus ass de siwente Film an der Franchise an ass de Moment an der Postproduktioun mat engem geplangten Theaterreleasedatum vum 16. August 2024.

An aner Noriichten aus der friem Universum, James Cameron huet d'Fans d'Boxe Set vun Auslänner: erweidert en neien Dokumentarfilm, an eng Sammlung vu Wueren assoziéiert mam Film mam Virverkaf, deen de 5. Mee ophält.

'Civil War' Bewäertung: Ass et derwäert ze kucken?

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'Invisible Man 2' Ass "Closer Than It Ever Been" fir ze geschitt



Elisabeth Moss an engem ganz gutt iwwerluechten Ausso sot an engem Interview fir Happy Sad Duercherneen datt och wann et e puer logistesch Problemer fir ze maachen Invisible Man 2 et ass Hoffnung um Horizont.

Podcast Host Josh Horowitz gefrot iwwer de Suivi an wann Moss an Direkter leigh wannel ware méi no bei enger Léisung fir et gemaach ze kréien. "Mir si méi no wéi mir et jeemools gemaach hunn," sot de Moss mat engem grousse Grins. Dir gesitt hir Reaktioun op der 35:52 markéiert am Video hei ënnen.

Happy Sad Duercherneen

Whannell ass de Moment an Neuseeland fir en anere Monsterfilm fir Universal ze filmen, Wolf Mann, wat vläicht de Spark ass, deen dem Universal säin onrouege Dark Universe Konzept entzündegt, deen zënter dem Tom Cruise säi gescheiterten Versuch fir erëmbeliewen kee Momentum gewonnen huet Mumie.

Och, am Podcast Video, Moss seet si ass net an Wolf Mann Film sou datt all Spekulatioun datt et e Crossover-Projet ass an der Loft bleift.

Mëttlerweil ass Universal Studios an der Mëtt vum Bau vun engem Joer-Ronn Haunthaus an Las Vegas déi e puer vun hire klassesche filmesch Monsteren weisen. Ofhängeg vun der Präsenz, kann dëst de Boost sinn, deen de Studio brauch fir d'Publikum nach eng Kéier un hir Kreatur IPs ze interesséieren a fir méi Filmer baséiert op hinnen ze maachen.

De Las Vegas-Projet soll am Joer 2025 opmaachen, zesumme mat hirem neie richtegen Themepark zu Orlando genannt Epic Universum.

'Civil War' Bewäertung: Ass et derwäert ze kucken?

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